The MSc course is based in purpose-built premises at Winchester House, Oxford Science Park, with dedicated state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities.ÊThe departmentÕs intention is to inspire, motivate and train a network of future leaders in clinical embryology throughout the world.

The course runs over a period of one year, from October to September, incorporating the three University of Oxford terms: Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity. Fundamental reproductive science and laboratory methods/practical skills are taught in the first term (Michaelmas) over five discrete modules. Applied and clinical aspects are delivered in the second term (Hilary) over a further set of five modules. Each module is delivered over a period of one to three weeks and together, the ten modules comprise the Ôcore contentÕ of the course. The third term (Trinity) is extended to allow sufficient time for a high quality laboratory research project.

The department places significant emphasis on the acquisition of practical laboratory skills. A particular strength of the course is that you will be trained individually on micromanipulation and laser biopsy equipment using training beads, mouse oocytes, human sperm and surplus human oocytes when available. You will spend significant amounts of time following senior clinicians in the clinic, and embryologists in an IVF laboratory. You will also spend time with junior/trainee embryologists to discuss career options, writing CVs and preparing for interviews and you will meet visiting clinicians and embryologists from leading UK IVF clinics. The departmentÕs staff will also provide significant insight into the legal issues surrounding ART, along with quality management, ethics and ISO-accreditation. You will attend professional development seminars covering a wide range of topics including medical ethics, business and management skills, communication and presentation skills, intellectual property and experimental design.

The course is taught primarily by senior members of staff from the Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive Health. A variety of teaching methods are used to enhance and optimise student learning: class lectures, group tutorials, laboratory practical classes, self-directed learning, problem based learning and in-house demonstrations by visiting companies. You will also attend lectures given by visiting scientists who are world experts in their field. You will be assessed by a multiple choice examination (Michaelmas term), extended essay (Hilary term), written examination, dissertation andÊviva voceÊ(Trinity term).