Chemists are a constant source of innovation: it is hard to imagine any product introduced in recent times that did not require the creative efforts of a chemist. Chemistry underpins the conceptual framework and methodology of biochemistry and molecular medicine, and is at the heart of many major industries.

A good Chemistry degree opens the door to a wide and varied range of careers.
Teaching and research are closely linked: Oxford is one of the leading chemistry departments in the world with a state-of-the-art lab, and international-level research in a wide range of areas including: synthesis and catalysis, medicinal and biological chemistry, sustainable energy, advanced materials, innovative measurement and theoretical and computational chemistry.
The department has an outstanding track record in commercialising the innovative work of research staff, which has raised millions of pounds for the University.
The MChem is a four-year course, and is not modular, enabling us to explore the links within the subject. The core material is taken by all students, with opportunities to specialise later in the course. The fourth year (Part II) is devoted exclusively to research Ð a distinctive feature of Chemistry at Oxford since 1916.

Chemistry Careers

Chemistry provides an excellent opportunity for the development of your critical faculties and intellect, and also instils important transferable skills that will serve you well, whatever your subsequent choice of career. About 55% of our Chemistry graduates go on to do research or further study. Others enter professions such as publishing and marketing, banking and finance, manufacturing, IT, law and teaching.