There are three elements of the the Veterinary Medicine programme offered at University of NottinghamÊcourse:

  • Generic training to support the development of personal and professional skills associated with clinical practice and research
  • Clinical training allowing the student to gain comprehensive experience in all aspects of the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients in their chosen area of speciality.Ê
  • Clinical research will be conducted, requiringÊthe design and execution of aÊresearch project in their chosen area of speciality.


A teaching building comprises a lecture theatre, large seminar room, teaching laboratories and a number of small-group teaching rooms, together with staff offices and research facilities including generic laboratories and specialist facilities such as anaerobic/microbiology, RNA and radioisotope laboratories.Ê

A clinical building includes a large anatomy laboratory, surgery suite, teaching laboratories, seminar rooms, a large clinical skills laboratory and other clinical skills rooms together with animal facilities.Ê

The school has taken advantage of IT in its design and way of working Ð all teaching rooms have electronic whiteboards and students access all teaching materials online through our virtual learning environment.Ê

Career prospects and employability

OurÊCareers and Employability ServiceÊoffers a range of services including advice sessions, employer events, recruitment fairs and skills workshops Ð and once you have graduated, you will have access to theÊservice for life.