The Visual Culture of Classical Antiquity programme offered at the University of NottinghamÊis concerned with the visual culture of classical antiquity and modern theories of itsÊstudy Ð GreekÊandÊRoman sculpture, architecture, mosaics, painting, urbanism.ÊIt brings together archaeological, art historical andÊhistorical approaches to examine howÊvisual material was treated and understood in antiquity and reinvented forÊcenturies to come.Ê As well as learning how to look at ancient visual evidence and to use it to construct art-historical and historical arguments, studentsÊalso study a range of responses toÊand theories around itÊÐÊfrom various periods of classicism from antiquity to modern advertising; from stylistic analysis to modern media studies.Ê

Nottingham, with established degrees in classical civilisation, archaeology and art history, is fast becoming an international force in the field of ancient visual culture.Ê

The department has a vibrant research culture, including weekly research papers by national and international specialists, with a particular emphasis on aspects of visual culture.Ê

Key facts

  • This course is particularly suitable for students with a first degree in Classical Civilisation, Art History or a related subject.
  • Nottingham's vibrantÊDepartment of Classics has special strengths in Greek literature; Greek political, social economic religious history; Latin epic and prose literature; Roman history, society and culture; late antiquity; ancient art and visual culture; and the reception of the classical world in European culture.
  • The department has a strong reputation in both teaching and research.ÊIn the Research Excellence Framework 2014 it was ranked equal 4th among classics departments for world-leading research, placing us equal 2nd among UK classics departments outside Oxbridge.
  • This course enjoys close collaboration with the Departments of Archaeology and History of ArtÊand the NottinghamÊInstitute for Research into Visual Culture (NIRV).


By studying a taught programme at masters level, you will further develop your academic skills in terms of communication, presentation and research.

Postgraduates of all backgrounds are highly sought after by employers because they are able to demonstrate a stronger skills set, so this course will prepare you for a wide range of careers.

You will also be well equipped to pursue research in the field of classics, particularly relating to classical antiquity.

In addition, your knowledge may be highly sought after by museums and galleries.