The programmes are practically based and offer the opportunity to share knowledge and experience in real life situations. Both the MSc and PG Diploma are available as open-learning programmes and offer students a flexible and innovative way to study.

The programmes are supported by our Virtual Learning Environment as well as a series of Network Seminars which offer students face-to-face contact, input from experts in the field and opportunities to network, share work and study experiences.

Why choose this course?
  • The courses have been developed in close consultation with key specialists working in the industry and build on the successful CREIF course that has been running in Asia for 8 years.
  • The open-learning approach, online delivery and study support offer students a flexible and innovative way to study.
  • Network Seminars offer students face-to-face contact, input from experts in the field and opportunities to network, share work and study experiences.
  • The courses are practically based and offer the opportunity to share knowledge and experience in real life situations.
  • The four 'stand-aloneÕ core modules enable students to start the MSc or PG Diploma at any point.
  • Each module is organised around six learning packages allowing students to work at their own pace and keep track of their learning.

The Real Estate Investment Finance programme is offered by Oxford Brookes University.