This course provides an intensive introduction to business studies together with the development of intercultural communication skills. It combines campus-based study with a work placement in the UK or abroad.

To qualify for the course, you will need to speak two languages (one of which must be English).

  • You will develop your career: your work placement and own research, alongsides the supporting academic programme, will significantly enhance your future career prospects.
  • An integrated work/research experience: the course includes a work placement in the UK or abroad and an opportunity to do a substantial piece of research.
  • You will acquire vital transferable skills: in particular you will improve your research skills, report-writing, presentations, team work capabilities, and effective time management.
  • Be a student in Oxford: the city offers a stimulating intellectual and international community.

The MA course regularly receives excellent feedback from external examiners, employers, students and professional bodies.
We have built a reputation for excellence in learning, teaching and research, with graduates realising significant career progression and achieving high status in the industry of their choice.

The course opens up a wide range of opportunities for careers in the media, publishing, public relations, marketing, intergovernmental organisations and non-governmental organisations. It is also a good base for further postgraduate study.

To find out about the experiences of our students on work placements, browse our MA in International Business, Culture and Languages student profiles.