  • The integration of robotic systems engineering and computing in this course will allow you to become a skilled computer scientist in your own right, but with the essential skills from robotic engineering.
  • You will benefit from modern well equipped workshops, laboratories, computer facilities, and of course, our state-of-the-art robotic systems that you will study and develop. These include theÊBaxter research robotÊand the quartet ofÊNao humanoid robots, Darwin Mini Bots and the Cozmo robots. We have also custom build robots andÊRobothespianÊwhich is used in our research.
  • Recent final year students have built and programmed our latest addition to the lab, Blu. This robot was designed by our Robotics Technician, who supports our students on the programme.
  • Computing for Robotic SystemsÊBSc (Hons)Êis offered by Oxford Brooke University.
Career prospects

Career prospects in computing are excellent and expanding rapidly. Our computing graduates enjoy great success in finding employment in business, industry, research and education.ÊCareers in robotic systems are growing rapidly with projected employment requirements growing ever more. Career opportunities include all aspects of robotic development, with particularly employment in robotic middleware development growing exceedingly fast.Ê