The degree is broad-based, combining cell, molecular, and human biology and physiology, plus clinical modules, to give you the opportunity to develop and follow your interests in the human biosciences as you progress through the course.Why choose this Biological Sciences course at Oxford Brookes University?

  • You will benefit from high-quality teaching, supported by some of the best learning resources in the country, including access to the UK's largest science collection, the Radcliffe Science Library.
  • We encourage and support the inclusion of work placements in the degree structure.
  • You will gain the practical skills employers require through extensive practical experience using a range of essential equipment. You will get to know the other students and lecturers on your course as we keep our practical classes small.
  • Our academics are keen to involve you in our research groups: we explore subjects such as genetic damage induced by radiation and the mechanisms of nicotine addiction.
  • Students can join a research group in their final year as part of a research project, using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, such as electron and confocal microscopes.