Based around the four foundational academic disciplines of psychology, sociology, philosophy and history, this course explores a wide range of complex educational questions by adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of education.
In addition to developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to support children and young people with a broad range of special educational needs and disabilities, you will also consider additional diverse learning needs such as looked after children, young carers, unaccompanied children and young people not in employment, education or training.
In your first year you will undertake the same modules as Education Studies students to experience a depth and breadth of learning in relation to key educational issues, more generally. You will then focus specifically on the inclusion of children and young people with special, diverse and additional learning needs.
Following your first year, you will begin to specialise your module choices to meet the compulsory requirements for the SENDI named award.
Our wide variety of modules ensure that you will be able to develop a depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding in relation to complex educational issues, opportunities and challenges associated with improving the outcomes for our most vulnerable learners. These involve tackling discrimination, addressing inequalities, challenging attitudes and beliefs, being an advocate for children and young people and making a positive difference.
The compulsory educational placement gives you the opportunity to work with children, young people and a range of professionals in a setting of your choice. See 'Modules - Years 2 and 3' below for more detail.