• Master of Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Nottingham is a 1-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • This course is also taught at the University of Nottingham's UK Campus.
  • Civil engineering provides a comprehensive program of study across a range of subject areas. 
  • The course consists of 120 credits of core and optional taught modules along with a 60-credit major individual research-based project. 
  • This degree is accredited by:
    • Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation
    • Institution of Structural Engineers
    • Institute of Highway Engineers
    • Joint Board of Moderators of the Institution of Civil Engineers
  • The blend of academic study and development of practical and professional skills that the course provides is ideal preparation for the future challenges of working in a multidisciplinary environment. 
  • The core modules of the program are:
    • Research Project
    • Research Project Literature Review
    • Research Project Organisation and Planning.