• Master of Science in Bioengineering at the University of Nottingham is a 1-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • This 12-month course aims to provide science and engineering graduates from diverse backgrounds with a solid grounding in modern bioengineering technologies.
  • This multidisciplinary master covers practical and theoretical aspects of bioengineering, including:
    • Medical imaging
    • Medical device design and regulation
    • Cell-biomaterial surface interactions
    • Materials characterization
    • Functionalisation of surface
    • Biomechanics
  • The course will prepare students for a wide variety of careers within the industry, hospitals, clinical or research environments, independent learning, or for further education within postgraduate research.
  • Students have to complete the summer projects which provide an opportunity for research, working alongside postgrad and postdoc researchers.
  • The course is made up of core and optional modules. The range of optional modules enables students to tailor the course towards a particular interest.
  • The final degree of the program will be based on 180 credits.
  • Students will require an average of 50% to pass all the modules.
  • Assessment will be via a combination of coursework, exams, and a project dissertation.
  • Teaching will take place Mondays to Fridays during term time. The contact time will vary depending on options taken but will typically be 12-14 hours per week.
  • Students get the facility of Biomaterials and biomechanics laboratories that provide well-equipped facilities for a range of research project activities. 
  • About 96.8% of postgraduates from the Faculty of Engineering get employment or further study within six months of graduation.