• Master of Science in Biochemistry and Genetics at the University of Nottingham is a 4 years program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • MSci degrees are undergraduate-level courses that last for four years and have an integrated master's qualification. They are the equivalent to a bachelor's degree plus a master's level qualification. 
  • In this program, students will learn how to combine the growing fields of biochemistry and genetics which could lead to the development of revolutionary medical procedures such as personalized medicine based on their genes.
  • Students can improve their skills in the lab with the practical experience from year one. 
  • Exams happen twice a year at the end of each semester.
  • The core hours of directed learning are 9 am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday, with Wednesday afternoon. Occasionally lectures are held from 5-6 pm.
  • Students must pass Year 1, the qualifying year, to continue their studies. The pass mark is 40%. In the year 3 (BSc) plan, year 2 contributes 33%, and year 3, 67% of the final degree mark.
  • Students will be trained by tutors who are active in the fields of biochemistry and biology, ensuring that students leave university with the skills needed to be successful in their future careers.
  • The University of Nottingham offers a wide range of bursaries and scholarships.
  • About 96.5% of undergraduates in the School of Life Sciences secured work or further study within six months of graduation.