• Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Social Policy at the University of Nottingham is a 3-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • University ranks 8th for criminology in the UK by The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022.
  • Students get the opportunity in locations such as the Netherlands, Singapore, or the USA.
  • The teaching is delivered through several modes including lectures, seminars, and workshops.
  • Students will have at least 8 to 12 hours per week of contact time at lectures, seminars, and tutorials. 
  • The University of Nottingham offers a wide range of bursaries and scholarships.
  • The criminology and social policy degree can open doors to a career in various sectors including government, criminal justice, law enforcement, law practice, and community safety.
  • About 77.4% of undergraduates from the School of Sociology and Social Policy secured graduate-level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation.
  • The average annual salary for these graduates was 32775 USD.