• Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence at the University of Nottingham is a 3-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • This program is accredited by the British Computer Society.
  • This course will explore the subjects with optional modules in user experience design, autonomous systems, and machine learning.
  • Students will get the opportunity to take part in a group project in year two which prepares them for creating the computer systems of the future.
  • The final degree classification will be based on marks gained by students in the second and subsequent years of study. Year two is worth 33% with year three worth 67% each.
  • As a guide, one credit equals approximately 10 hours of work. students will spend around half of their time in lectures, tutorials, mentoring sessions, and computer labs.
  • Tutorial groups are usually made up of eight students. They meet every other week during term-time.
  • Core modules are taught by a mixture of professors, associate professors, and teaching associates with help from PhD students and research staff.
  • Students will get Excellence in Computer Science scholarship in which there are three levels to the award which range from 10-50% off their tuition fees.
  • About 97.6% of undergraduates from the School of Computer Science secured graduate-level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation.
  • The average annual salary for these graduates was 45789 USD.