• Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Nottingham is a 3-year program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The University of Nottingham ranks 8th in the UK for Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering by the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide, 2021.
  • It also ranks 11th in the UK for Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering bComplete University Guide, 2021.
  • The courses at Nottingham integrate projects into their learning throughout the course.
  • Students get hands-on experience with the latest aerospace equipment including wind tunnels, a flight simulator, and experience flying with local flying lessons and flight laboratory in year 2.
  • In a typical week, students will have up to 24 contact hours in year 1 and 2 combined with coursework and self-study.
  • The courses are taught by leading researchers in aviation, composite materials, and gas turbines.
  • University provides a range of Undergraduate Excellence Awards for high-achieving international and EU scholars from countries around the world.
  • Students get the benefit from great placement links with Airbus, BAE Systems, and Rolls-Royce Aerospace.
  • About 83.2% of undergraduates from the Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing Engineering secured graduate-level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation.
  • The average annual salary for these graduates was 40120 USD.