If you are ambitious, and know where you want to go in your career, this course is definitely for you. To help you achieve your personal goals, this course gives you the option to follow an employment-based route or a more academic pathway.

This course is recognised by the Royal Society of Chemistry for professional Chartered Chemist (CChem) status. This means that if you obtain the MChem award with the appropriate degree classification, you can apply to become a Chartered Chemist after a period of postgraduate experience.

Our chemistry degrees give you real flexibility too. You can opt to spend one year working in industry, getting valuable work experience, and – if you find that your aspirations change – you can complete just three years of the course and graduate with a BSc (Hons) degree.

For your final year project you can work with other areas of science and really tailor your degree to suit your own interests.  A major part of the MChem is focused on a research project where you'll produce results of sufficient quality to be published in a refereed scientific journal.