The course content is focused on the exploration and development of specific software applications vital to games production that is enhanced by the student-focused investigation into industry specialists. This enables you to develop an understanding of the core areas of games production, including product development, project management, and manufacturing, alongside a personal investigation of key digital technologies such as games engines, 3D software, and animation hardware. 

You’ll be introduced to a range of software and pipeline processes within the modern games technology industries. This will allow you to form a solid understanding of industry roles which in turn will lead you to specialize within your chosen games technology field. The modern global games industry is built on the use of the latest hardware, software and technology and the introduction of current industry-standard practices and workflow will be at the forefront of delivery. The course aims to be responsive to the needs of both the UK and global games industry and provide students with the current relevant skills required by both Indie and AAA employers.

You’ll learn through a range of conventional classes including IT lab sessions, workshop sessions, lectures, seminars, and tutorials. You’ll also have the opportunity to engage in unique opportunities that are designed to develop your personal and employability skills. These include working as a team, independent learning, visiting industry professionals, working on live briefs, testing games and going on a range of enrichment field trips.