Explore what it means to be an artist in the 21st Century, considering the role of contemporary art in modern society. Develop your artistic work across the full range of contemporary fine art media, including drawing, installation, painting, sculpture, performance, photography, film, video, sound, and print. 

Nottingham is internationally recognized as a vibrant hub for new and emerging artists and artist-led initiatives, boasting a diverse and thriving network of galleries, art spaces, and artist collectives. Benefit from our links with such organizations locally, nationally and internationally by working on collaborative projects and enhancing your professional practice. 

You’ll have the opportunity to enter competitions and exhibit your work globally. Our Fine Art graduates have played a big role in the development of the artistic network in Nottingham – there is a direct correlation with the number of art projects going on in the city and our alumni – a reciprocal ecosystem that future students can benefit from.