Ranked in 4th in the UK for Fashion and Textiles (Guardian University League Tables 2019), NTU is internationally recognized for the quality of its creative, industry-ready graduates.

This exciting and renowned degree offers you full creative control over the design and creation of both fabric and garments.

Knit is a huge part of contemporary fashion. Most of our everyday garments are made of knitted fabric, including underwear, hosiery, jersey-wear, and even swimwear. From fine sheer industrial knits to luxury chunky hand knits, the creative possibilities are endless for a knitwear designer. This degree explores the versatility of knitwear in a contemporary fashion context.

You’ll develop sought-after skills in knitted fabric design innovation, garment shape development, construction, and manufacture. Explore your creative ideas with the use of state-of-the-art digital equipment and processes alongside traditional hand techniques. These skills will allow you to produce highly creative and innovative pieces.