Communication & Society

Fascinating new forms of politics, economics and creative enterprises are rapidly challenging many core assumptions about human communication and identity. The possession and transfer of knowledge now lies at the heart of daily life and itÕs more important than ever to understand various aspects of communication. YouÕll look at communication between individuals, groups and organisations, humanity and nature, and the evolving media through which communication takes place.

This course offers a wide choice of interesting and engaging modules. The core of this course draws on Psychology and Sociology, and also includes aspects of Philosophy, History and Anthropology. No previous study in any of these areas is required.


Linguistics is the study of natural language. It covers the study of language structure (grammar), the study of meaning (semantics) and the social functions of language (sociolinguistics). This course will equip you with the tools for analysing language and for conducting your own research. YouÕll discuss the immense power that our language has to construct and to constrain meaning.

WeÕve recently launched several new modules which draw on contemporary research. This means that you will be studying the very latest developments in clinical linguistics, media discourse and child language acquisition.

You donÕt need any prior knowledge of grammar, foreign languages or technical terminology to study this course.