• Northumbria University’s master’s in Artificial Intelligence provides an exciting opportunity to take your career into the rapidly developing area of AI. 
  • This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and provide you with a holistic understanding of digital intelligence and its effects on society. To give you an extra edge in today’s competitive job market, in addition to your current expertise in various fields, the course explores key concepts, principles and theories of relevance to Artificial Intelligence professionals. 
  • Students will be given the opportunity to engage in real world problems, evaluate options and apply professionally specific knowledge to resolve them. For our first cohort enrolled in 2020, the University have provided all their students the opportunity to obtain the Azure AI Fundamental Certification through our partnership with Microsoft. 
  • As part of this Artificial Intelligence master’s degree, you will develop a strong understanding of the capability of AI and how best to utilise existing AI tools, allowing you to successfully implement this in practice. You will learn to identify requirements before the application of AI, and become aware of the implications that these tools have from a governance and operational perspective.