Throughout this masterÕs course youÕll study key concepts such as risk and sustainability. YouÕll also gain the knowledge and skills to be able to make independent professional judgements and contribute effectively to organisational strategies.

The course culminates in either a masterÕs dissertation or, if you prefer, a work-based project where youÕll tackle an issue faced by a real employer. Throughout the course thereÕs a focus on self-development and employability.

People join from this masterÕs course from many different backgrounds. You might, for example, have been an undergraduate student in geography, science, engineering, business, law or environmental health.

Teaching And Assessment

The teaching methods include lectures, seminars, individual tutorials, laboratory-based activities, workshops, case studies and field visits. As this is a masterÕs course there is a significant element of independent learning and self-motivated reflection.

Assessments are designed to give feedback as well as to monitor your level of achievement. The assessed projects will enable you to test your skills in ways that relate to current industrial practice. Specific assessment methods include management plans, presentations, risk assessments, reports, practicals and case studies.