The course brings together core ecological skills with the business elements required to compete in this growing sector. Expert academic staff maintain an extensive network of contacts. A four month consultancy project provides opportunities for developing a proposal to collaborate with a world-leading marine consultancy.

This interdisciplinary course attracts a wide range of honours graduates. Your background skills may come from geography, the law and politics as well as marine biology and the environmental sciences. An interest in the marine environment and its management, and a professional, committed attitude are essential.

You will do a research project in one of the areas of the Marine Biology, Ecosystems and Governance (MBEG) research group and key consultancies operating across these areas:

¥structural and functional integrity of ecosystems

¥biological and socio-economic drivers of ecosystem change

¥governance and management of resource use

Opportunities in other marine science research groups may exist:

¥Marine Resources and Renewable Energy (MRRE): oantifouling and ballast water treatment

obacterial bioactive products


¥Oceans and Climate focuses on the production, consumption and air-sea exchange of greenhouse gases.

The marine science research groups form part of extensive national and international networks. Recent partnerships and collaborations include:

¥the Environment Agency

¥Natural England

¥Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority

¥University of the West Indies (Barbados)

¥National Oceanographic Centre Southampton (NOCS)

¥University of Costa Rica

¥North Sea Regional Advisory Council

¥Haribon Foundation

You have the support of a marine science research community including 30 research students, six-10 post-doctoral scientists, six technicians and 13 full-time academic staff. This provides you with abundant opportunities to progress your scientific career, whether in industry or academia. Students have been successful at finding employment in industry, academia, government agencies and non-governmental organisations. You will also train to produce final projects of publishable quality.


Modules are block taught, with intensive teaching weeks and weeks of private study. Each semester is 60 credits (in full-time mode). The intensive teaching weeks run Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm.

Teaching is delivered via lectures, seminars, practical sessions (in computer labs, on boats and shores) and personal supervision. Projects may be analytical, experimental, or field based, designed to give you the skills you need for future research.

The course finishes with a four month project. This is delivered in conjunction with consultancy partners in the UK or overseas.

Modules are delivered on the University's main campus but the Dove Marine Laboratory and the RV Princess Royal are also used as teaching venues.l.