Through a combination of taught and research modules, our course develops your understanding of:

  • the roles of science, policy, technology and economic development in the marine environment
  • marine environmental issues, their origins and possible solutions
  • the principal processes maintaining and altering structure, function and ecosystem services of coastal waters
  • the key concepts and methodologies used in ecosystem, environmental management and conservation science
  • the context, purpose and implementation of resource mapping and evaluation
  • the theory, principles, concepts and practices in marine governance

Our staff have over 30 years of research and teaching experience, both in the UK and overseas. Their expertise spans the natural and social sciences in coastal-marine science and management.Ê

Our taught modules will ground your understanding of marine ecosystem dynamics, research methodologies and environmental governance. You will develop your research skills by designing and completing a supervised project.

Major sites for projects include the:

  • Red Sea
  • Maldives
  • Bahamas
  • Northumberland coast (UK)