The MA can be taken as a standalone course before undertaking PhD study.
It also forms the initial training component for the four-year (MA plus PhD) ESRC Northern Ireland/ North East (NINE) Doctoral Training Centre. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) recognises the MA as a research master's award.
The course covers key elements of media analysis skills and explores a range of theoretical approaches in media, communication, cultural and social studies.
On the completion of the course you will:
- understand the role of media and communication systems in shaping meaning
- develop knowledge of the range of research practices, methods and paradigms
- have awareness of a broad range of critical, cultural and societal theory that inform the field of media and social studies
During the MA you will undertake advanced mastersÕ level training in media and society research. You will complete a combination of specialist media-based modules plus a range of research-focused modules.
After completing your MA, you will acquire all the skills required to move into PhD research.
As a postgraduate research student in media and cultural studies you will benefit from dedicated research suites within the School of Arts and Cultures.