Through the course you will develop:
- a thorough understanding of social science theory, approaches and research methods
- an understanding of research methods specific to finance and/or economics
- knowledge of advanced scholarship and practice in areas within finance/economics as well as a broader awareness of cutting edge research across the social sciences
- skills in data collection and analysis
- specialist analytical and problem-solving skills.
The research training provided will also be valuable for many non-academic careers in research institutions or other knowledge-intensive environments.
You take research training modules, made up of generic skills which are taught as part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesÊResearch Training Programme, and subject-specific research methods and empirical techniques.You take further modules, both compulsory and optional, in core subject-specific knowledge, geared to either economics or finance. Finally, the course culminates in a dissertation.
Teaching and learning take place in workshops and practical classes, lectures, seminars, team-based problem-solving groups and in supervisory meetings for research papers and the dissertation.