The Media Studies pathway is a specialism on the Cross-Cultural Communication MA. It is designed for students who wish to combine the study of cross-cultural communication with developing skills and knowledge relevant to various aspects of media.
This specialist pathway is delivered by academic staff in media and cultural studies from the School of Arts and Cultures.
The Cross-Cultural Communication and Media Studies pathway offered by Newcastle University is suitable if you have some journalism and/or PR knowledgethrough your undergraduate studies or voluntary work. It is also suitable for journalists or PR professionals wishing to develop academic knowledge and research methods. The pathway draws on our research in media, communication and cultural studies.
You will develop:
- critical understanding of media, culture and society
- knowledge to theorise and analyse media, journalism and public relations
- knowledge of media law and advertising regulations in a transnational context
- an understanding of strengths and weaknesses of different types of data dissemination
- analytical and critical skills to assess and conduct research in the field of media, journalism and PR
- the ability to deliver and evaluate a PR event in the public, private and voluntary sectors
- skills to set up a campaign network and deliver PR campaign messages
- skills to produce effective press releases and script, shoot and edit digital films
- skills to produce news reports in a range of media forms
- skills to script, shoot and edit digital films