The aim of our research into human health and disease is to apply our findings to improve patient care. We invite applications for MPhil, PhD and MD projects in all of our clinical research areas. You will work with a team of academic and clinical supervisors whose research interests match your own.
We offer supervision for MPhil, PhD and MD in the following areas:
- anaesthesia
- care of the elderly
- child health
- critical care
- dermatology
- diabetes
- ENT (ear, nose and throat)
- liver
- musculoskeletal disease
- oncology
- ophthalmology
- neuroscience
- primary care
- psychiatry
- renal medicine/urology
- reproductive medicine
- respiratory and cardiac medicine
You will be based in one of our research institutes and have a dedicated supervisory team. This team typically includes a senior scientist and an academic clinician, who treats patients as well as conducting research. This ensures that the potential impact of your work on improving clinical care is a focus of your research.