We offer expert supervision in the following research areas:

  • links between the production and perception of speech
  • monolingual/bilingual speech and language development in children for a range of language(s), particularly Arabic
  • early years policy with a focus on language and communication
  • relation of socio-economic factors to language development
  • assessment, diagnosis and intervention for speech, language and communication impairment, including:
  • primary speech and language impairment in children (including specific language impairment)
  • verb and sentence processing deficits in people with aphasia
  • memory disorders following stroke
  • effectiveness of interventions for speech and language impairments
  • the psycholinguistics of word production
  • computational modelling of word retrieval

Our website provides further information on research areas. Our supervisors' current research interests, projects and publications are available from our staff profiles. The majority of our staff have hands-on professional experience in speech and language therapy, teaching, or English language teaching prior to entering academia.We advise that you contact Carolyn Letts, Director of Postgraduate Research, or a member of our staff as a potential supervisor before applying. You will be asked to submit a short research proposal (1000 words max).