Our MPhil and PhD projects cover a wide spectrum of contemporary sociology including:

  • bodies, identities and experiences
  • culture and material life
  • 'development' and the global south
  • emotions and intimacy
  • environment and society
  • imagining pasts and futures
  • sexualities and gender
  • sociology of ethics
  • sociologies of health and life sciences
  • sociology of law
  • visual and aesthetic cultures

Each of these themes represents the expertise of a member of staff actively engaged in sociological research.

Most of our research students are based in the School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, with some based in the Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences (PEALS) Research Centre.

Four research clusters act as the intellectual focus for the development and exchange of ideas. You will join one or more of these research groups:

  • Identities, embodiments and selves
  • Imagining pasts and futures
  • Power, inequalities and citizenship
  • Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences (PEALS) Research Centre

You can view some of our postgraduate research projects online. Our sociology seminar series means that you will be able to listen to experts on a regular basis - live or from a podcast.

We have numerous international links and there will be opportunities for some PhD students to conduct research abroad. We currently have postgraduate researchers in Taiwan, Korea, Germany and India.