We offer MPhil, PhD and MD supervision in:
Medical sciences
The Centre of Bacterial Cell Biology researches fundamental aspects of the cell biology and biochemistry of bacteria, providing scientific insights crucial for the discovery and development of new antibiotics, as well as providing solutions to a huge range of industrial and environmental problems. Other research interests include:
- chromosome replication and segregation
- transcription and translation
- protein structure, function and engineering
- cell envelope, growth and division
- synthetic biology, development and gene regulation
- bacterium-host interactions
Biological sciences
The Applied and Environmental Microbiology Group researches:
- microbial biology in a range of habitats
- discovery of natural products, eg antibiotics
- reduction of food spoilage
- production of biofuels, bioremediation of polluted environments
- pathogens and hostÐpathogen interactions in a range of diseases including those in plants and coral reefs
Civil engineering and geosciences
The multidisciplinary research of Civil Engineering and Geosciences contributes fundamental advances in:
- microbial ecology
- environmental microbiology
- environmental engineering and Earth systems
- biogeochemistry
- microbiological aspects of engineered and natural environments
- anaerobic crude oil degradation in petroleum reservoirs
- engineered biological treatment systems
- the microbial ecology of climatically significant processes such as methane cycling
Our research involves collaboration with mathematicians and modellers to develop underlying methods and theories that unite fundamental and applied aspects of the microbiology of environmental engineering and Earth systems. We have particular expertise in linking measured geochemical processes directly to the size and diversity of the microbial communities that mediate them.
A number of successful spin off companies have been created by staff. For example, Demuris Ltd is a drug discovery company that develops novel therapeutics, including new antibiotics that will combat the threat from emerging diseases and the rise of antibiotic resistance. This is testimony to our intellectual and innovative capacity, and our ability to translate biosciences research to the industrial setting.
In addition to subject-specific research training, our Medical Sciences Graduate School and Science, Agriculture and Engineering Graduate School will provide you with a comprehensive research training programme. This includes training in professional skills and research techniques, and support for personal development. They each have a thriving postgraduate research culture, with additional support for international students. You are encouraged to present your work in Newcastle and at scientific meetings.