As a postgraduate researcher in linguistics or applied linguistics, you will carry out a major research project working with supervisors who are experts in your field. We offer supervision in a wide range of languages and areas, including:
- second language learning
- conversation and discourse analysis
- inter/cross cultural communication
- corpus linguistics
- oral communicative competence in a second language
- language endangerment
- syntax and morphology
- phonetics and phonology
- history of English
- language variation and change
- language evolution
- (variationist) sociolinguistics
- bilingualism
- first and second language acquisition
Linguistics and applied linguistics is split across three Schools:
- School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences
- School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics
- School of Modern Languages
Our Schools score well in student satisfaction surveys and we have a diverse set of staff expertise. In the 2012 Postgraduate Research Experience Survey, 94% of our students stated that their supervision expectations were met or exceeded. More recently, Professor Anders Holmberg won our student-led award for Best Research Supervisor of 2013.
Centres and Institutes
Our links with research centres and institutes provide opportunities for collaboration and cross-disciplinary seminars and interest groups. Our most important connections are with:
- Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Studies
- Institute for Health and Society
- Centre for Research in Learning and Teaching
The Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences (CRiLLS) offers research training to complement that delivered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. A postgraduate researcher and a member of academic staff organise the programme, which ensures that it addresses linguistics studentsÕ needs. Sessions include:
- writing conference abstracts
- presenting at conferences
- preparing job applications
- preparing for interviews
We also provide practical workshops on specialist software programs. These include statistical packages and those used in corpus linguistic methodologies.