We offer intensive subject-specific supervision, training in legal research methodologies and core skills, and opportunities to participate in research seminars and an annual postgraduate conference.

This programme offers you the opportunity to study in one of the oldest established law schools in the country: Newcastle Law School. We provide a stimulating international academic environment that brings together staff and students from a variety of backgrounds.

The School is part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) and all postgraduate research (PGR) students are members of the HASS Graduate School. The Graduate School organises a comprehensive training programme for postgraduate students that covers research techniques, professional/key skills and provides support for personal development.

Research in the Law School

The promotion of high quality, internationally recognised research is a primary objective of the School. Fostering an intellectual, vibrant PGR culture is central to this aspiration. Our academic staff have interests in aspects of legal research which range across the discipline, and beyond; domestic and international, doctrinal and theoretical.