The School of Engineering enjoys an international reputation for using the latest science to solve problems of global importance. Our research has significant relevance in non-academic settings and we regularly apply it through consultancy to industry, from the global offshore industry to local authorities and survey and engineering companies. We are a key part of the TSB Satellite Applications Catapult North East Centre of Excellence.
For geomatics we have MPhil and PhD supervision in the following areas:
Satellite geodesy
- GPS and geophysical modelling
- GPS/GNSS geodesy
- precise orbit determination of altimetric and geodetic satellites
- sea level
- ice sheet mass balance
- satellite altimetry
- static and temporal gravity field and reference frame analyses from dedicated satellite missions
- SAR interferometry
- geophysical and industrial deformation monitoring
- geodynamics and geohazards
- integration of GPS and INS
- engineering geodesy
Geospatial Engineering
- geoinformatics and advanced GIS
- geospatial algorithm development
- spatial modelling including network modelling, cellular automata and agent based approaches to spatial complexity
- multimedia cartography and information delivery
- temporal GIS
- geospatial data management
- airborne and satellite remote sensing applied to environmental impact assessment
- land use, vegetation and pollution monitoring
- Earth observation of urban systems
- photogrammetry
- laser scanning
- precise non-contact dimensional control