Newcastle University has embarked on an ambitious programme of growth in film practice under the name of Film@CultureLab. ItÕs led by award-winning documentary filmmaker Dr Ian McDonald. Film@CultureLab is committed to developing a distinctive approach to non-fiction film practice pedagogy and research. This is rooted in an understanding of documentary film as a cinematic medium and filmmaking as a means of expression and of challenging, critiquing, and intervening in the social and historical world.
If youÕre interested in undertaking a PhD, be it practice-led, practice-based, or theoretical, in the following areas, please get in touch in the first instance with the admissions tutor Dr Geetha Jayaraman.
- most areas of documentary/non-fiction film practice (see supervisor profiles for specialisms)
- creative documentary practices in the UK, India, South Asia, AfricaÊ
- intersections between the documentary and sociological, anthropological, cultural studiesÊ
- sports documentaries
- feminist film practice
- social linguistics, translation and documentary practice
- documentary theory and practice in the USSR / Russia
- theorising documentary as a critical and creative practice
- history of the documentary and of documentary movements
- studies of independent film production and exhibitionÊ
- World cinemaÊ
- Indian cinema
- film festival studies
Film@CultureLab PhD scholars are based in Culture Lab. YouÕll have access to the superb facilities in Culture Lab and join a vibrant community of practice-led PhD scholars in film practice. PhD students are encouraged to regularly present their work to each other as part of the Film Praxis Forum ÔWork-in-ProgressÕ Series held each year.