We offer expert supervision in the following research areas:

  • early year's policy with a focus on language and communication
  • social justice in education
  • gifted and talented children in Africa, India and the UK
  • education in popular culture
  • early literacy
  • technology enhanced learning, including language learning
  • learning to teach languages
  • counselling and wellbeing in children and adults
  • the physical leaning environment
  • teaching and learning in Higher Education
  • internationalisation in Higher Education

Our supervisors' current research interests, projects and publications are available from our staff profiles. Most of our staff have professional experience in teaching, speech and language therapy or English language teaching before entering academia. You should contact Carolyn Letts, Director of Postgraduate Research, or a member of our staff as a potential supervisor before applying. You will need to submit a short research proposal (1000 words max).