We offer PhD supervision in two main areas of digital media.
Digital arts practice, led by Professor John Bowers, includes topics such as:
- emerging technologies and experimental practice
- art and science practice
- transdisciplinary practice
- interactivity and human-computer interaction in arts practice
- data visualisation and creative practice
- affective computing and creative practice
- applied philosophy
- philosophy of cognition
- contemporary art and media theory
- new production environments and living labs
- open source culture and creativity
- crowdsourcing and creativity
Digital media in museum, gallery and heritage settings, led by Dr Areti Galani, includes topics such as:
- online museum, gallery and heritage experiences
- social software and its implications for the cultural sector
- design and use of mobile, personal and ubiquitous technologies in cultural settings
- study and understanding of social museum experiences
- theory and practice of visitor studies
- ethnographic and ethnomethodological approaches in the study of museum experiences