We offer supervision in the following areas:
Architectural and planning education
We conduct research into innovative teaching methods, the integration of theory and practice, and learn from related creative disciplines.
The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has funded research into effective skills transfer. This activity is strengthened through our involvement in the:
- European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE)
- Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)
- European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS) including the Le NOTRE EU Network
Architectural science and environmental design
- design related aspects of construction and the use of buildings
- non-destructive testing
- simulation
- measurement of energy
- environmental performance
Cities and technology
- the changing relationship between utilities, the development, planning and management of contemporary cities
- culture and the built environment, including cultural change and transformation of the built environment
Design history and theory
- architectural history
- architectural theory
- material culture
Environmental economics
- environmental economics
- valuation
- benefit appraisal
Environmental management
- Our research in this area covers environmental planning, management, impact assessment, sustainability, and Local Agenda 21 issues.
Housing and community
- social housing
- community development
- Information technology in construction
- computer-based information search
- retrieval systems
- building product modelling with a philosophy of taking basic and applied research through to the end users
Landscape architecture, landscape planning, landscape design and landscape management
- landscape architecture theory, philosophy and environmental ethics
- sustainable landscape planning, design and management
- the history and development of the designed and cultural landscape