You will learn about invertebrates, fish, seabirds and marine mammals, as well as plants, algae and cyanobacteria. You'll also explore the chemical and physical properties of the oceans and their impact on marine life.

We place particular emphasis on sustainable management of this precious ecosystem, and you'll explore challenging issues such as biodiversity loss and climate change.

You will enjoy high levels of practical experience Ð using our coastal laboratory and research vessel Ð and develop skills for a range of careers in the marine sector.

Our location near the coast provides fantastic fieldwork opportunities.


The degree is very hands-on and you gain practical experience throughÊlaboratory classes and fieldwork.

You will enjoy high levels ofÊseagoing experienceÊon our brand new research vessel, with a series of North Sea offshore practicals. These train you in essential skills required by marine biologists and zoologists including:

  • plankton sampling
  • fish and benthic trawls
  • analysing the physical and chemical properties of seawater
  • undertaking seabed surveys
  • experimenting with the latest oceanographic technology

You will also take part in a number of field trips throughout the course, including an overseas residential field course in Stage 3.

Opportunities abroad

You undertake anÊoverseas residential field courseÊduring your final year Ð we offer a choice between a European and non-European location each year. Recent locations have included:

  • the Bahamas
  • Bermuda
  • Portugal

You may also undertake yourÊfinal-year dissertation overseas at a location of your choiceÊand we will support you in setting up this project. This is an opportunity to explore your personal interests, and past projects have included scuba-diving-based research and observing dolphins and whales.

These are exciting opportunities to experience new cultures, to network with scientists in other marine institutions, and to see the diversity of marine science on a global platform.

They will also broaden your appreciation of the spectrum of marine careers available to you around the world.