• The MA Visual Communication course is about communicating small and big data in visual ways – graphic design, visual communications, infographics.
  • This specialist program reflects the dynamic contemporary practices within the creative industries. It stimulates students to create challenging solutions to real-world design issues to create innovators and leaders in the field of visual communication. Students identify the key transferable skills to help them create or respond to career opportunities or undertake further research.
  • Students consider branding, graphic design, illustration, marketing, user experience, new media, and future technologies – exploring and visually representing important information.
  • Students explore scenario building, fore sighting, and future-proofing as important factors in establishing the direction of work and potential developments in design, communication, and cultural industries.
  • This course prepares students, as creative individuals, for professional practice in developing new business ideas, products, systems, and artifacts. And it provides a stimulating environment to support high-level inquiry into emerging and future aspects of creative practice, through individual and collaborative action.
  • Students benefit from existing work that the staff is doing around interactive technology and social design.