• Interior Design (Hons) program at Teesside University is one of the longest established interior programs in Europe with graduates working all over the world. It is an exciting, creative industry, devising stimulating environments for living, working, shopping, commerce and so many other human activities.
  • Normally based around converting existing buildings, the interior designer considers many design matters including the needs of the end-user, creating interior spatial layouts, and improving circulation and function. The interior designer’s role also embraces material specifications, designing bespoke textiles, fittings, and furniture, and selecting color palettes and lighting schemes
  • Teesside University encourages students to become creative design professionals. Here they learn interior decorative arts, trends, fashions and textiles, architectural drawing techniques, 2D and 3D industry-standard CAD, history of design and architecture, plus the essentials of professional practice. These are all applied to their core creative design studio projects. Projects replicate professional practice ensuring you are ready for the design profession.
  • Students can work on live projects with real clients and enter prestigious competitions such as those offered by the Royal Society of Arts.
  • Recent live briefs have included working with a national chain to redesign a public house, proposals for a jewelry gallery for Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, and designing a residential apartment and office concepts in collaboration with a major furniture manufacturer.
  • They work in a dedicated design studio environment with access to high-quality CAD and superb workshop facilities.