The Natural Sciences BSc at the University of Bath allows students to combine subjects throughout the course in order to achieve the wide range of skills and intellectual experience that many employers desire in graduates. The core subjects of the degree are:

  • Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Pharmacology
  • Physics
  • Mathematics (a supporting subject only).
  • Management
  • Education
  • Languages (either as part of the programme or as an additional unit)
  • Psychology
  • Social Sciences.

For students desiring a broader range of choice, one subject from the following list can also be taken:

Natural Science programmes at Bath have been designed to provide conceptual and factual knowledge of core aspects of chosen sciences, and guide students in ways of approaching and analysing scientific issues, so that they can reach appropriate conclusions. The programmes enable graduates to pursue professional careers or proceed to further study.

Course selection guide

To design your degree and see what subjects you can study, try our interactive course selection tool (the information provided by the tool is for advisory purposes only).

Teaching and learning

Natural Sciences is a cross-faculty degree programme whose staff are drawn from all the departments associated with the degree, and can offer a wide range of expertise to support students in their studies.

Teaching and learning is through a variety of methods including lectures, seminars, practical sessions, workshops, practical projects, problem solving classes and professional placement.

Methods of assessment

Units are assessed individually with methods of assessment varying according to the nature of the subject being taught. Methods of assessment are likely to include unseen examinations, practical reports, essays, oral and poster presentations, data interpretation, problem solving, placement report and project report.