This Electronic Engineering with Space Science & Technology - Three years programme at the University of Bath equips graduates with the skills and knowledge necessary to begin an exciting and rewarding career in the space industry, with space agencies or in space research institutes. The programme combines a core of fundamental electronic and electrical engineering with specialist material in space technology and space science. Students study spacecraft engineering, including mission analysis, propulsion systems, launch vehicles, attitude control, thermal control, telemetry, power systems, satellite navigation systems (including GPS), space electronics, Earth observation, the space environment and space weather. You will study subjects such as:

  • spacecraft systems engineering, including launch vehicles and satellites
  • spacecraft mission design
  • satellite navigation systems
  • earth observation and orbital mechanics
  • space weather.

Group project work can include systems-level designs for satellites and planetary landers. Individual projects often involve working with our research groups.

Key features of the programme:

  • study a combination of electronic and electrical engineering with specialist modules in space science and technology, offering you maximum career flexibility
  • enjoy teaching informed by our world-leading research in GPS and Earth navigation
  • gain strong input from the space industry into group and individual projects
  • all programmes are accredited by the Institute of Engineering and Technology, providing the fastest route to Chartered Engineer status.

Our programmes are fully modular and taught over two semesters per year. The modules, called ÒunitsÓ, will involve you in about 20 Ð 24 contact hours per week, plus private study, in your first two years. These hours consist of lectures, laboratories, workshops and tutorials. A key characteristic of all our programmes is laboratory and project work supported by dedicated electronics, robotics, computing and power-systems laboratories. Semester 2 in the third and fourth years is 100% dedicated to group and/or individual project work, uninterruptedby taught units.

We have an international reputation for our research in areas including advanced electronics, LEDs, electrical power systems, satellite communication and navigation systems, space weather and imaging. This research feeds into teaching through our group and individual projects, in which you can join a research group, and in specialist units that introduce students to cutting-edge engineering.