Our masterÕs is for students with a background in construction disciplines related to architecture and civil engineering who want to learn integrated approaches to building design. It introduces you to modern practices and focuses on integrated design.

The first two semesters give you a thorough understanding of the issues related to working in the construction industry. YouÕll learn about the challenges involved in managing the building design process. This includes understanding how to balance the often conflicting design tensions in projects. Being able to integrate regulatory requirements, low-carbon certification and basic building physics will prepare you to work in multidisciplinary environments.

You'll explore the relationship between building information modelling and collaborative integrated design management. Dynamic digital modelling tools allow you to use your knowledge of building physics, regulations and codes, and low-carbon building envelopes to find more optimal building solutions. We provide you with guidance and tutorial support in industry-specific software that you will use during your degree.

Briefs from live projects challenge you to solve design problems in real time. You'll work with students who will bring their experience in engineering and architectural design to the mix. This approach gives you insight into the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in building design projects.

You'll embed theory and professional knowledge in a research dissertation informed by your placement. This gives you the opportunity to resolve industry problems and deliver company-specific solutions.