Education is increasingly affected by globalisation with a globally mobile and globally connected population. We face a rapidly changing world and education needs to transcend national and cultural boundaries to ensure quality.

Unique among education master's for its focus on the intersection between international education and globalisation, this course gives you an unrivalled opportunity to study the overlap between these two important yet challenging concepts.

Importantly, you will consider educational purposes, methods and approaches relevant to a shifting global landscape. You will also engage in the critical analysis of the assumptions and evidence that underpin policy and practice in international education.

The course will provide cutting edge knowledge, skills and understandings at the intersection between the two fields of study. This, together with our distinctive focus on bridge-building between practice and theory, will prepare you to make a significant future contribution to international education.

Studying at Bath gives you a unique opportunity to work with world-class experts in international education and globalisation who engage in leading edge research. We also offer complementary sessions on study skills and employability and networking opportunities with employers and alumni. This extends your learning and adds richness to the stimulating community of staff and students that you will join.