Our course gives you a thorough grounding in the principles and practices of chemical engineering. YouÕll develop professional skills in engineering, mathematics, material science, information technology, research and design, communication and management.

Throughout the course, youÕll reinforce lecture material with practical lab sessions, learning how to gather and analyse data to develop industrial strategies. YouÕll explore modern practical technologies and gain a comprehensive understanding of process design. There will be opportunities for you to develop other useful skills such as planning, problem solving, teamwork and resource management. YouÕll integrate these with your technical knowledge to solve complex engineering problems.

Individual and group design projects are a key feature of your studies. In your first and second year, youÕll work on practical lab tasks, learning how to develop scientific ideas from the bench scale to process scale. You can explore topics in more depth through a semester-long research project that can be completed at Bath, a university abroad or in industry.