You will develop essential career management skills, such as self-managing your learning and development, together with specialist skills chosen from: advertising design, graphic design, illustration, interior design or interior architecture, fine art, photography and video art, fashion, animation, motion graphics and interactive design.

Why choose this course?

  • Study with staff who are established tutors and practitioners in your chosen field and who place emphasis on your personal creative development
  • Explore a range of art and design disciplines as you develop both research and practical skills to help you work directly in contemporary arts or access careers such as art administration/promotion, community arts projects or further study on an MPhil or PhD
  • Develop both self-reliance and career management skills as you produce creative and realistic solutions to complex problems and build on your professional attitude to creative practice and enterprise
  • Gain a deep understanding of the artistic, critical and cultural contexts associated with Art and Design to enable you to better understand the value of your work
  • Benefit from access to a lively, creative studio space and excellent facilities including printmaking, technical and digital media such as image processing software, moving image software, high definition video equipment and high quality photo equipment, screen-printing and materials workshops.