Develop the skills to become an environmental design specialist and create buildings that combine sustainability with comfortable living.Our course brings together architectural design and engineering so you can create spaces that are practical and sustainable as well as beautiful. You'll learn how to design buildings with low-carbon footprints and a focus on comfortable and healthy living. There is a need for trained professionals who know how to reduce the environmental impact of construction. We'll help you develop your design and technical skills throughout the course to meet this need.As part of this degree, you can also take an optional five-day intensive course inÊPassivhausÊdesign. This gives you the opportunity and training to become a qualified Passivhaus designer or consultant. There is an extra cost for taking this course.Based in ourÊDepartment of Architecture & Civil Engineering, you'll learn from academics with expertise in the effects of climate change on the built infrastructure and the need for sustainable development. Their international collaborations and research activity feed into our teaching and contribute to your learning experience.We have a range of facilities to support your studies including environmental monitoring facilities and an artificial sky with light meters. YouÕll also have access to specialist computer and software facilities for environmental modelling.Your knowledge will prepare you for a career in industry, research or academia where you can make a valuable contribution to sustainable development. YouÕll graduate equipped to:reappraise the design process and apply engineering principles to building design

understand how people use buildings to inform your design solutionsresearch and use new concepts and technologies to develop sustainable building strategies