Zoology is the study of all animal life; from primitive microscopic malaria-causing protozoa to large advanced mammals, across all environmental spheres from red deer in mountain forests to dolphins in deep oceans, and from underground burrowing voles to golden eagles in the skies. Some of these animals are useful to us and we nurture them as pets or livestock; some are serious pests or disease-causing; and some are simply splendid and awe-inspiring.Ê

No matter what our relation with the animals, we need to understand their behaviour, population dynamics, physiology and the way they interact with other species and their environments. That is Zoology!

Zoology degreeÊ at Aberdeen provides you with a strong foundation in biological sciences, principles and methodologies, while providing you with expertise in zoology. Your courses include topics in animal diversity and evolution, behaviour, population ecology, physiology, parasitology, zoonotic diseases, marine biology and conservation management taught by lecturers who are world-leaders in their areas of zoology.


Zoology courses are designed to provide a broad based set of specialist and generic skills. A considerable number of Zoology graduates continue their education by reading for higher degrees either in the UK or abroad. Graduates may also enter biology teaching or general science by taking a postgraduate diploma. Graduates often find full-time employment in a wide range of careers. Typical employers include universities, research institutes, government agencies (e.g. SEPA, SNH), environmental consultancies, environmental charities including WWF & RSPB, National Health Service, libraries and commercial enterprises in aquaculture, animal nutrition and animal health.

One of the great advantages of having a Zoology degree from the University of Aberdeen is that it provides you with a very broad range of skills to offer employers.

Not only do we train students in scientific methodology in the laboratory and in the field, we incorporate what we call 'graduate attributes' into the whole curriculum. Employers now expect an impressive list of skills, knowledge and experience in their graduate recruits and we aim to help you acquire these.