At the University of Reading studyingÊThe BA Archaeology and Classical StudiesÊwill have elements of the course that provides a broad exposure to the literature, history, and culture of the Greek and Roman worlds, which sit at the heart of modern Western civilisation. Your literary modules, studied in translation, include poetry, tragic and comic drama, and cover broad themes such as love, loss, duty, war and peace. There is also the opportunity to discover how the ancient world has influenced modern literature and culture, and to study other aspects of the ancient past such as its art Ð including through first-hand access to our own unique collection of Greek and Egyptian antiquities.

At the University of Reading, our expertise in Archaeology starts with the earliest humans and spans up until the medieval period. We focus mainly on British, European and Near Eastern Archaeology, but explore other regions across the world. You will learn about Burial Archaeology, Material Culture, Bioarchaeology (including human remains), Forensics, Past Environments (including Geoarchaeology), Museums and Gender Archaeology. Benefit from our dedicated Archaeology Building and specialist equipment, and learn in purpose-built laboratories.

This flexible course enables you to tailor your degree to your interests and apply what you learn in the real world. One of the most popular parts of the course is our Archaeology Field School, on which every Archaeology student is guaranteed a place. In the coming years we are excavating in the Vale of Pewsey in a collaborative project with Historic England. Over 2 weeks, learn about the Neolithic men and women who built and worshipped at Stonehenge, and receive high-quality training in a range of archaeological field techniques from academic tutors and professionals from the commercial world.

If you are interested in studying abroad, you have the opportunity to spend a term at Aarhus University in Denmark in your second year, getting to know a new academic and cultural environment. You can also apply to study at the British School at Athens and the British School at Rome, which both offer summer school opportunities to University of Reading students.

What career can you have?

This joint degree can lead to a variety of careers. The course is an ideal foundation to begin your career in commercial archaeology, heritage management and research, as well as disciplines such as teaching, business, publishing and marketing.

You will gain a broad range of subject-specific and transferable skills spanning the humanities and sciences. The majority of employers consider your attitude and abilities to be even more important than the subject you choose to study (CBI Skills Survey 2014). Our curriculum is designed with this in mind, giving you not just knowledge in subjects you are passionate about, but also the qualities that employers really care about Ð qualities that are transferable to a diverse range of careers.

We have long-established, excellent relationships with employers within the archaeology, heritage and related sectors. Archaeology and Classical Studies graduates from the University of Reading are represented among the staff of major employers such as Oxford Archaeology, Wessex Archaeology, Museum of London Archaeology, Natural History Museum, Environment Agency, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, GCHQ, Oxford University and SotherbyÕs. Some of our graduates have progressed into roles in the civil service and in teaching at both primary and secondary levels. Each year a number of graduates pursue further, higher study following graduation.